Scientific Instrument Maker. Henry Tinsley founded his company in 1904 whilst living in Beckenham. Married to Emma, and equipped with little more than a lathe, he began making resistance boxes and galvanometers and the Tinsley electronic instrument company was born. In 1907, with business booming, Henry joined up with another instrument maker, a Mr Snell, who sadly died a year into their partnership and Henry, by this time making a varierty of electronic equipment, contined on with his wife who handled the financial side of the company and helped with manufacturing some of the contents of the machines they were becoming well known for making With his business growing, he moved his company into Werndee Hall which stood where Shinners Close does now. The company stayed there for the next 70 years, moving to the Old Croydon Airport Estate in 1983. Famous for a variety of pioneering precision instruments,Tinsley and Company still exist, in a slightly modified form - Tinsley Instrumentation Ltd. More information can be found on their website: